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5 Feb 2018 |
Waarom islamitisch bankieren wél standhoudt tijdens de crisis
Het vertrouwen in de financiële sector is door de crisis ernstig aangetast. Meer dan een kwart van de Nederlanders heeft nauwelijks vertrouwen in de Nederlandse banken. Een oplossing zou kunnen komen van het islamitisch bankieren, waar ethische afwegingen een veel sterkere rol spelen. De afgelopen jaren kwamen Nederlandse banken opnieuw onder vuur te liggen vanwege […] ...

11 Jan 2018 |
The Danger in Today’s Good Economic News

Failure to stem the rise of inequality will fuel social tensions and already-resurgent nationalism, producing disruptions that will ultimately lead to losses for everyone. That is why today’s good growth news may not be as promising as many believe.


2 Jan 2018 |
The Missing Ingredients of Growth

Several positive macroeconomic trends suggest that the global economy could finally be in a position to achieve sustained and inclusive growth. But whether that happens will depend on whether governments can muster a more forceful response to changing economic and technological conditions.


2 Jan 2018 |
Why Low Inflation Is No Surprise

The persistence of low inflation in developed countries in recent years has confounded central bankers and economic policymakers, because they believe that declining unemployment should drive up aggregate demand, and thus prices. But what if many of the assumptions underlying the conventional wisdom about inflation no longer apply?


15 Dec 2017 | Kaushik Basu
Inequality in the Twenty-First Century

As inequality continues to deepen worldwide, we do not have the luxury of sticking to the status quo. Unless we confront the inequality challenge head on – as we have just begun to do with another existential threat, climate change – social cohesion, and especially democracy, will come under growing threat.


8 Dec 2017 | Edoardo Campanella
Inequality and the Coming Storm

In recent decades, the wealth gap between a narrow upper class and the rest of the human population has become a gaping chasm, with far-reaching implications for most countries around the world. Rising inequality may be the greatest economic challenge of our time, but it’s not the first time human civilization has faced it.


8 Dec 2017 | Yanis Varoufakis
The High Cost of Denying Class War

The rise of populism on both sides of the Atlantic is being investigated psychoanalytically, culturally, anthropologically, aesthetically, and of course in terms of identity politics. The only angle left unexplored is the one that holds the key to understanding what is going on: the unceasing class war waged against the poor since the late 1970s.


28 Nov 2017 | Michael Spence
The Global Economy in 2018

The global economy will confront serious challenges in the months and years ahead, and looming in the background is a mountain of debt that makes markets nervous – and that thus increases the system's vulnerability to destabilizing shocks. Yet the baseline scenario seems to be one of continuity, with no obvious convulsions on the horizon.


12 Nov 2017 | Hans Ariens
Ben je aandeelhouder of mens?
Op bezoek naar andere businessmodellen op Nationaal Sustainability Congres Kan dat, zo veel mogelijk olie, gas, of mobiele telefoons verkopen, en tegelijkertijd streven naar een schone, klimaatneutrale samenleving? Wie is er nog tegen de transitie van fossiele naar duurzame energie? Ook fossiele reus Shell is tegenwoordig vóór, en draagt dat enthousiast uit. En zo kon … Lees meer ...

7 Nov 2017 | Ricardo Hausmann
The Moral Identity of Homo Economicus

Two recent books indicate that a quiet revolution is challenging the foundations of the dismal science, promising radical changes in how we view many aspects of organizations, public policy, and even social life. As with the rise of behavioral economics, this revolution emanates from psychology.


6 Nov 2017 | Nouriel Roubini
The Plot Against America's 99%

US President Donald Trump, in partnership with congressional Republicans, is pursuing tax cuts that will blow up the fiscal deficit and add to the public debt, while benefiting the rich at the expense of middle- and working-class Americans. Once again, Trump has not hesitated to betray the people he conned into voting for him.


23 Oct 2017 |
Strijd tussen banken en fintechs nadert climax
Onder welke voorwaarden moeten banken derde partijen toegang geven tot klantgegevens? Over die vraag wordt een bikkelharde strijd uitgevochten. ...

19 Sep 2017 | Biagio Bossone
Making Fiscal Money Work
Proposals for a new system of "fiscal money" have increasingly appeared in political debates in Italy, where budget constraints and a lack of monetary sovereignty have tied policymakers’ hands. If it is properly designed, such a system could substantially boost economic output and public revenues at little to no cost. ...

19 Sep 2017 | Mohamed A. El-Erian
The Risk of a New Economic Non-Order
The upcoming IMF and World Bank annual meetings offer a critical opportunity to start a serious discussion on how to arrest the lose-lose dynamics that have been gaining traction in the global economy. The longer it takes for the seeds of reform to be sown, the less likely they will be to take root. ...

1 Sep 2017 | Paola Subacchi, c/o Project Syndicate
Saving the International Economic Order
This autumn, the IMF and the World Bank will once again hold their annual conference in Washington, DC. At a time when the liberal international economic order that these institutions underpin is under threat, they cannot afford to stick to business as usual. ...

8 Aug 2017 | Jim O'Neill, c/o Project Syndicate
Finishing the Post-Crisis Job
Many economists argue that we are still living with the consequences of the global financial crisis, and with the forces that caused it. This is partly true: there is still a need for more investment, productivity, and wage growth; but the global imbalances that gave rise to the last crash have been largely resolved. ...

4 Aug 2017 | Elfanie toe Laer, FD
Een financiële sector die lief is, en leuk
De onvrede over de financiële sector is groot. Sinds de crisis is er te weinig veranderd, vinden veel klanten. Het krioelt dan ook van de initiatieven om de sector te hervormen. Maar het grote plaatje ontbreekt. Joyce Velu en Robbert Vesseur willen met hun Good Finance de nodige samenhang aanbrengen. ...

23 Jan 2014 | Jos van Gennip, Socires
Capitalism and Inequality
This essay was written by Jos van Gennip on the occasion of the 5th European Social Week, 23-25 January 2014. The essay was given to the participants on the morning of Friday, 24 January. Jos van Gennip gave a short speech on this occasion. You can order paper copies or download the pdf on the page [> publications.
Socires is one of the founding members of the VZW European Social Weeks.